Swedish children in Malmö, 1950s. vs
teenagers and adults during a riot in Malmö 2009
The Malmö Experiment
by PMP
Most people who follow alternative media in Sweden know about the madness taking place in Malmö and within the country’s government. However, people outside Sweden may not grasp the situation to the same extent. I therefore hope to introduce some of you to what is happening to our country, providing an overview of Sweden’s ‘most multicultural’ city.
This essay will examine the way in which the government, both national and local, has lost control of the city’s spiralling crime and rioting immigrant population. It will show how institutions are struggling to cope with the multicultural reality which turns everything upside down. Malmö shows us all how Sweden is under attack; institution after institution, from the police down to the post office, are decreasing their activity or collapsing. Whilst the city is on the path to destruction, the experiment continues with an establishment that capitulates to the issues raised by Malmö, and a media which does everything to convince the population that Malmö is good and the issues are to be blamed upon Swedish society.
Malmö: An introduction
When an experiment or a medical trial is injurious and damaging its subjects and patients, one usually stops it — unless we are talking about trials involving animals. If the experiment continues, those responsible will likely face investigation and later prosecution. In Sweden, multiculturalism is a failing experiment, in which the Swedes and their country are constantly injured test objects. The Swedes have essentially become the test animals. Those responsible for this crime do further not face any official investigation, and they most definitely do not face prosecution. To illustrate this, Malmö provides a good example. Those who still hold a positive view of Sweden deserve to know what is happening to this great country.
The small city of Malmö, located on Sweden’s southernmost tip, has a rich history shared by both Swedes and Danes. In 1900 the city had around 60,000 inhabitants. The population was predominantly composed of Swedes, but also smaller groups of other Scandinavians as well as various European professionals. Centuries ago it belonged to Denmark, and it has always held a historical and emotional importance to the Danes, too. For Sweden, the city was an important location for shipping and commerce, but also a nexus of cultural life. A place where European shippers and Swedish workers met in various contexts. A city which saw the development of decent working class areas, but also hotels and theatres. It was a city your grandparents, or even your parents, could describe as ‘decent’, ‘nice’ or ‘so lovely’.
To say that the situation has ‘changed a little’ is quite an understatement. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the aforementioned city ceased to exist. Its dissolution had already begun sometime in the 1970s, but it has been completely transformed into something unrecognisable in the last ten or fifteen years, when non-European immigration numbers exploded. When the United States, for example, admitted a few hundred Iraqis refugees in 2007, Sweden took in an estimated 30,000.
To understand what happened, one must look at Sweden’s historical political development. During the 1960s, several suburbs where built in Malmö and other cities. These were all part of the so called ‘Million Programme’, which served as a political solution to the accommodation crisis (i.e. planned immigration). The thought behind the programme was to build one million ‘accommodation units’, in order to cope for the future demands for places to live. In reality, low-quality accommodations, packed in small suburbs, were built to host future immigration almost as in designated areas. The building of these was part of a larger multicultural agenda, which took form during the 1960s, and consequently opened up the country to mass immigration throughout the subsequent decades. Malmö was a city which saw the expansion of multiple instances of such suburbs. Coupled with slack rules, unemployment and high immigration numbers, this proved to be a bad recipe for the city’s future.
The population of Malmö today is 300,000. Out of those, about 40% are ‘non-Swedish’, counting immigrants and those who have two parents born outside the country. With a concentrated immigration from Middle East and North Africa, estimates point toward a number of 25%-30% of the city’s population being Muslim. Where Malmö used to a place where ordinary people could stroll and let their children play in the streets, it is now a place where people are scared of the streets. Some of which streets unofficially ‘belong’ to criminal gangs.
According to a recent report by the Association for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), every fourth individual in Malmö was a victim of at least one criminal act last year. Glen Sjögren of the city’s police estimated that about 200 people are robbed on a monthly basis. Further, every fourth senior citizen does not leave his or her home, due to the fear of becoming victim of such crime. In other words, the light and warm picture of a peaceful city of commerce, has been replaced by a city currently bearing more of a resemblance to Batman’s Gotham.
Today, Malmö is undoubtedly the ‘most multicultural’ city of Sweden. Since almost the entire political establishment propagates aggressive multiculturalism, it also needs to pretend that it loves Malmö — regardless of the city’s murders, rapes and riots. This is exactly the reason why the Prince of the Swedish royal family went there on the National Day to celebrate the ‘New Swedes’ instead of his own people. On the National Day, the Prince of Sweden specifically visited Malmö’s Opera, where he held a conference celebrating the so-called ‘New Swedes’. Literally ten days later, the Swede Göran Nilsson, 60 years old, was killed just outside the same Opera. He happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time (could Malmö ever be the right place?). He lost his life when a criminal ‘new Swede’ of Arab descent, suspected of being intoxicated at the time, killed Göran in a car chase when escaping from the police.
The message here is clear: We have been completely abandoned by our establishment who do not care about our people’s fall. On the contrary, they celebrate it.

Swedish Prince Daniel, celebrating ‘New Swedes’ in Malmö’s Opera, on Sweden’s National Day

The ‘New Swede’ who killed the Swede Göran Nilsson outside the same Opera only 10 days later.
Executions in our little Chicago
Due to occurrences such as frequent gun killings, Malmö was recently given the title ‘Chicago of the North’ by the Norwegian media. For American readers, Malmö may not seem an extreme example. But one has to understand that Sweden and Scandinavia were generally untouched by non-European immigration and many immigration-related issues up to the 1970s. Sweden had faced murders before like any country in Europe, but gang-related murders and honour killings had been rare.
If organized crime-related assassinations took place ten years ago, they were highly covered by the media and drew a lot of attention. And here we are ten years later, when ordinary Swedes have stopped counting sheer executions in their own country. What we are talking about here is a constant wave of murders which taken place onlyin Malmö during the last twelve months. A local police station concerned with the investigation of some of these killings was also later blown up. Some journalists remarked that it was not so bad, since ‘the entire building was not razed to the ground’. This is a pathetic excuse — blowing up a police station, regardless of the size of explosion, is a symbolic action which show that criminals in Sweden now engage in war against our society’s institutions.
The first half of this year, has, if anything, been even worse. The year had barely even begun when a 15-year-old boy was shot to death with several bullets during the New Year celebrations. Later on, in an interview on Swedish Television Channel 1, the victim’s father explained that he thought ‘Sweden had become worse than Iraq’, where his family originally came from (and to which he now considers returning). When families see their children executed in cold blood and consider moving back to a place such as Iraq, what is actually going on? Apparently we are to push this multicultural agenda further every year — a few gang murders, executed teenagers and murdered Swedes are evidently costs we have to bear, right?
Daniel Vesterhav, a researcher at the Association For Crime Prevention, notes the threshold for committing crimes in Malmö has become lower. This is ‘because more people join different groups where they arm themselves and want to reach a higher status’. He also asserts that ‘Malmö is different because the criminals happen to be in the same, small geographical area. It is difficult for them to avoid each other which increases the risk of violence, and many shootings are based in personal conflicts’. So these things happen because ‘criminals happen to be in the same, small geographical area’. And it just happens to be that this small geographical area is the most multicultural ‘small geographical area’ of Sweden. Interesting.
As Malmö represents a multicultural agenda which is expanding in Sweden, we should be worried. Otherwise, we will soon be looking not at ‘small geographical’ areas, but the entire country, or indeed the whole of Europe.
In January there was a march for the 15-year-old. His family and many other people, a number of them of Iraqi descent, joined in. Whilst this was a manifestation for sorrow and a protest against gun crime, it was also something else. Whether the people realised it or not, it was an indirect protest against the political establishment which allowed for this to happen. A protest against the established parties which accommodated mass immigration and segregation in the first place. I believe these protesters have realised by now that those parties are no more than groupings of politically correct hypocrites, who do not actually care about the immigrants except when it comes to the elections. The establishment takes great pride in having high immigration numbers, but it does not want — nor does it try — to confront the issues of segregation, violence and cultural and ethnic clashes. This is what Malmö has shown us.

The march in January, when 200 people mourned for the 15-year old who lost his life, also protesting against the city’s violence.
Our cowardice is the problem
I have realised that there is no innocence left in Malmö. When politicians calmly watch teenagers kill each other with guns, there is as little humanity in the corridors of local political offices as in the ghettos. It’s just gone.
There is even less humanity amongst the top politicians in the national government, who, despite these killings, refuse to discuss them or get to the root of the problems. So far, the entire weight of the problem has been pushed upon the local police force, and discussion has been avoided. One of Malmö’s local top decision-makers, Ilmar Reepalu, is ‘frustrated with the situation’. Since little has happened in Malmö during the writing of this, I assume he is still busy with being ‘frustrated’. He still blames the government in Stockholm, in that they ‘have failed to provide sensible gun-laws and do not even dare to set foot in Malmö’. The actual PM of Sweden, Fredrik Reinfeldt, instead blames Malmö’s local policy-makers, saying they ‘are just trying to blame us’.
Why does Sweden even have a Prime Minister, if his sole action is to point out the obvious? Instead of dealing with the actual issues the population faces, the establishment sticks its head in the sand and orders its PR agents to resort to a pathetic blame-game. The PM did not even set foot in Malmö in the aftermath of these events (Well, he was driven around with a police-escort in May this year). Even more disturbing, during a popular televised debate in January about Malmö and the murdered 15-year old, no politicians (!) showed up despite being invited. There was simply nothing they could say to defend the situation, and they knew it. The one exception was a member of the anti-immigration party, the Sweden Democrats. This person was, of course, a ‘racist’ and a ‘fascist’, and was treated accordingly. He was constantly dismissed, ignored and cut short by the tv-show host herself. When she sneered and made fun out of the politician, who could not respond, the entire, brain-washed debate crowd cheered and clapped their hands. Clapping hands for their own destruction, that is.
Roses, Riots and Dying Institutions
Parallel to the killings, a steady stream of riots have taken place in Malmö the last few years. They amount to such a high number that it is pointless to start counting them here. Malmö has several ‘worse areas’, of which Rosengård (Rose Garden) is the perhaps most famous — and for very tragic reasons. In Rosengård, about 111 different ethnic groups are represented, and Swedes make up a rapidly disappearing group. According to Malmö’s own website, ‘the same number of people who constantly move into the area constantly move out’. This area has seen riots which are not much less dramatic than the ones seen in Paris in 2005 or in London more recently. A frequent reality for the Malmö police (in addition to assassinations), is burning cars, burning schools, rocks thrown at police officers and at innocent people. In other words it is a warlike, hostile situation, caused by young people in some specific suburbs. The police force is scared to death of Rosengård. They know very well that the youths there more or less have declared open war against Swedish society.
The establishment has invested a lot of funds into the schools of Rosengård. They view them as the ‘School of the Future’. Three teachers who did not share the establishment’s vision for these schools had to quit their jobs. They told of an environment of constant harassment and fire alarms. The truth is that the schools in Rosengård are infamous for their bad results. They are also constantly looking for new teachers, as those who work there are forced to quit due to fear and harassment by the pupils. The kids in Rosengård obviously do not like the schools offered to them by Swedish society. This has also become evident in several riots in Rosengård which took place in 2009 and 2010, where, amongst other buildings, schools were set on fire.
The local fire department has changed its policies due to the changing reality in Malmö. In the past its staff would head directly to an emergency. This had to change, as fire-fighters now are attacked by youths who throw stones at them and their vehicles. If the fire-fighters need to head to some of the ‘worse’ areas of Malmö, they now have to co-organise with the police during an emergency to ensure they have a secure police escort. Last month several vehicles and a house were set on fire during another riot in Rosengård. The police sent ten police patrols to the area. When they arrived and were trying to help the fire-fighters, they were welcomed with a rain of stone blocks thrown at them by the city’s youths.
One evidently risks nothing less but one’s life when setting foot in some parts of Malmö at the wrong time. A frustrated young person who was present during a riot was interviewed. He simply said that ‘I just want the government to f***ing do something about the situation’. Whilst I am not saying rioting is acceptable, I understand his frustration of how society has given up on everyone. The politicians all love people like him — As long as he gives them a vote. More importantly, as long as they don’t have to set their feet in his area or have their children robbed and ‘enriched’ by his friends.

A relatively basic institution of any society is a working system for handling the mail. In Malmö the post offices are now changing their policies . In the suburb of Seved, several post workers were earlier harassed and threatened by individuals in the area. Different gangs in Seved have ‘claimed’ certain streets, and do not peacefully accept the entrance of anyone from outside. So, instead of dealing with the sensitive issue we all know about, Malmö’s post office decided to dismantle its postal service in that suburb. Now its population has to handle and deliver their own mail. I am sure this is great for the 75-year-old lady who has difficulties walking long distances (and who, according to the statistics, faces a high risk of being robbed). The same thing is likely about to happen in Rosengård. Recently, a gang there assaulted a postal worker for more than thirty minutes. They chased him and threw stones at him, some of them hitting his head.
Another institution which is deteriorating is the transport services to and from Malmö. Over 100 ‘serious incidents’ have occurred so far this year on transports such as trains. It has become increasingly dangerous to just take the train to Malmö, or a bus in Malmö. During the recent midsummer, the personnel on a train were threatened and people were throwing large rocks at the train. To solve this, the government has decided to stop collecting tickets and payments by passengers during evenings — It is too dangerous. Also, if the train conductors are alone on their evening shifts, they no longer have to collect tickets. So, by simply transporting these individuals and avoiding contact, we apparently avoid threats and violence — but do we really solve any problem? We do not. The pattern here is repeating itself over and over again: We withdraw and stick our heads in the sand.
Run, Run
100 years ago Swedes were moving to Malmö to create a new life, engage in commerce and establish their families. Now, they are fleeing the city, which is home to a steadily decreasing amount of Swedes. Areas like Rosengård have been almost entirely deserted by Swedes, as it is simply too dangerous to live there. One of increasingly few Swedish families in Rosengård recently decided to move last March. They were, surprisingly, interviewed by a regional newspaper, Sydsvenskan, and remained anonymous for obvious reasons (likely a mixture of death threats from the local population and accusations of ‘racism’ from any member connected to the establishment). The family, who had lived in Rosengård for several years, had to flee from the area as if they were persecuted strangers in their own country. The family had been harassed the entire period because of their being Swedish.
The final decision to move, however, was taken after the family’s son was beaten unconscious by ten youngsters directly outside their home. This young man’s sister is deaf in one ear. Apparently, a group of youth decided to have some fun and throw firecrackers towards her head. She had to endure comments like ‘f*** your mother’ and ‘Swedish whore’ for several years. When commenting on this Swedish family, the popular, ‘Swedish’ top criminologist, Jerzy Sarnecki commented: ‘It probably happened because they had a dog. I have many friends from Middle East, and I know that they are afraid of dogs and do not like them’. Try to explain it in another way, and you are a ‘racist’.
Another woman, Eva Ek-Törnberg, lives in the suburb of Seved, which is in a similar state. She contacted the police to report about violence in her area. The response she got from the police was a recommendation to ‘move somewhere else less dangerous’. In other words, this city is going down. The question is how other cities will cope with similar future demographic changes like those in Malmö. There is no doubt that those changes will happen.
…But They Tell Us
To learn about what is going on in Malmö, Swedes have to turn to the alternative, ‘racist, fascist’ media.
Whilst an increasing amount of Swedes start to reach through the politically correct censorship, many of them are still fed the Establishment’s view on what is going on. Through newspapers and TV programmes we learn that Malmö’s problems are not rooted in immigration — not at all.
State-funded Swedish Television (SVT), recently aired the start of a new documentary series about Malmö and its police force. The purpose was to ‘show the reality and the problems’ the police and the city’s population are facing. In its first episode it focused on an, apparently, critical issue in Malmö — Racism.
It did not mention or examine the executions or riots in Malmö (which take place frequently). Instead, it looked at a (rare) demonstration by the Sweden Democrats’ Youth Organisation. The programme followed and interviewed opposing demonstrators of the Antifa. We could learn about their views of why they demonstrated and what was wrong with the racist Sweden Democrats. The allocated time for the Sweden Democrats to voice their opinion, however, was of course brief in comparison.
In the same programme, the TV team followed the woman Eva Ek-Törnberg, who has become a TV personality. She sides with the city’s youths and lives in one of the most dangerous streets in the city. In one episode, she is going to speak at a local policy meeting on behalf of the youth she is siding with. When she asks them if they want to join the meeting, they cover their faces with their hoods and exclaim ‘f*** it, its too dangerous’. When the woman later walks away with the TV team, the youths start to throw bottles and rocks at them.
The streets we are talking about here are out of control. There are gangs operating on them, selling drugs openly, and threatening everyone from the outside. In another the documentary from 2011, Malmö’s top politician, the Social Democrat Ilmar Reepalu, was interviewed in these very streets. During the interview, he was disturbed and verbally attacked by youths who declared that the streets belonged to them, and not him or anyone else.
Many TV shows and documentaries try to paint a picture of a city with nice young people who simply need help. They do need help, but this picture is constantly undermined by the hostile behaviour of these youth.
So whilst media are trying to keep the drapery from being pulled aside, it becomes more difficult as every day go by.
The media know that many Swedes are ‘asleep’, and that most people have not actually realised what is happening to their country. However, thanks to alternative media outlets, it is just a matter of time before more people come to their senses. Actual murders, riots and malfunctioning institutions are impossible to cover up.
Therefore another strategy needs to be used. When it is obvious that something is wrong, the media provide Swedes with Marxist and self-blaming explanations — Explanations which target anything but immigration.
Again, one of Sweden’s ‘top criminologists’, Jerzy Samecki, finds explanations which does not touch the big elephant in the room. Thus he is often invited to news programmes and various debates. According to Samecki, the problems in Malmö are rooted in socio-economic issues. Analysing Malmö, he insisted that ‘those who have something to lose do not commit crime, whilst those who do not become criminals.’ So when immigrants come to Sweden and are pushed into socio-economic hardship, they have to riot and murder. If this were true, Sweden would have faced social upheaval, riots and murder waves (throw in gang rape) before the great immigrant waves, when people also faced recession and poverty. It did not, of course.
Kristian Lundberg of the regional paper Sydsvenskan, offers us an ‘insightful’ (quite typical), class-based analysis. He says that immigrants in Malmö act the way they do because they make up a victimised working class. I wonder how he approaches the high number of immigrants (about 30%) who are not working — Are they a proletariat?. Or the increasing number of Somalis, of whom, according to a 2009 report by the think tank Timbro, only 20% are estimated to be employed. He further tells us that those who look at cultural or ethnic backgrounds for analysis have a racist perspective.
In the SVT 1 TV debate about the murdered 15-year-old mentioned earlier, we were also offered more exciting explanations. Apparently the problems can be explained by acknowledging that Malmö’s immigrant population are oppressed structurally by Swedish society. Furthermore, the population is allegedly not provided with enough libraries, which causes frustration, which then leads to violence. Of course!
The Swedish politician Anders Törnblad, of the Environmental Party, argues that the situation cannot be explained by cultural differences. The explanation of Malmö’s issues, he says, is that individuals do not get a chance to realise themselves, partly because of a prevailing ‘macho culture’. He maintains that there needs to be a gender-focus in the schools and kindergartens, where everyone has a chance toexperience different gender roles. It would be interesting to see for how long parents from Middle-East would allow their children go to such a school. I suspect those ‘non-important’ cultural differences would hit back at Törnblad quite quickly.
A Social Democrat in Malmö, Nima Gholam Ali Pour, says that the people in Malmö act as they do because of the society surrounding them. Once again, it is the fault of Swedish society. This society, we are told, does not provide ‘social investments’ in Malmö aimed at its youth. Similarly, the organiser of the Social Democratic Youth in Malmö, Sara Marknäs, tells us that the problem is not with immigration. Violence in Malmö has a deeper explanation, rooted in the fact that many are forced into segregation and uncertainty, she argued. She maintains that it is because Swedish society discriminates and leave people outside society. Ironically, it is her party which has exactly driven these policies.
In other words, Swedish journalism and media are essentially a wing of the Establishment, which still remains heavily leftist. These media are basically what ensures the Establishment that it can keep doing what it is doing to Sweden and its population.
Are we going down?
It is my belief that Malmö is going to collapse eventually. Yes, it might take one or two decades before it is totally ruined. The scary thing here is that normal people will not realise what has been happening to their country until it is already too late.
At best, Malmö will serve as a good example of the destruction a certain type of policies can inflict upon a country, its institutions and, most importantly, its native population. The main reason for my belief is not because of how immigrants act in Malmö. That situation is indeed unacceptable, and it is segregation and ‘outsideness’ in its highest form. However, the problem is that the government, at all levels, continues to propagate and expand this multicultural project. Speeding away from all the chaos and all victims they do see in their rear-view mirror, they just keep going. Swedish politicians, despite this, deny any issues with immigration and do not have the guts to address issues related to their ‘imported voters’. They thus stick their heads in the sand and let left-wing journalists try to come up with various, ‘alternative’ explanations. It is here the main problem lies, not with the immigrants themselves — If anything, they are just natural products of this experiment. An experiment which is not going to work.
What we are seeing in Malmö is hostile, occupational behaviour, tearing down the city and hurting Swedes whose families have lived there for centuries. The sad thing is the response. This response, as shown in the case of Malmö, is essentially capitulation and retreat. Schools, post offices, fire departments and the police are not backed up by the government — They are told to back down. Persons who criticise this are told to back down, or they risk being called names. If we keep voting in anti-indigenous parties who stick their heads in the sand and tell their population to back down when witnessing a hostile occupation, what do you think will happen? I can definitely take a guess, and it would begin with genocide.
The question is whether people will wake up and use their democratic rights to stop the madness before it is too late. I am unfortunately not entirely sure of the answer to that.
The politicians have essentially taken a once-great city and its original people away from us, and replaced it with chaos and murder of those people. Are we going to let them do the same thing with the entire country?
One thing I am sure of, is that this will happen if we do not put our foot down.
Stop this experiment. Now.
It is difficult to know any more what is happening in the European country with the most vibrant and multicultural capital and soon to be majority Afro-asian within a decade or two. We are told that in 60 years Britain has gone from being 99.9% white to 85% and we have three cities at least that are going to have non-white majorities in a couple of decades and yet if you look through the pages of the Radio Times, the listings magazine for the Marxist BBC, the number of non-white faces can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Britain is in denial. We are told that we are a vibrant multicultural i.e. multiracial country and destined to minority white by 2066 and yet there seems to be some sort of passive resistance even at the BBC to surrender our 1500 year-old national identity. England is the country where you never say what you are thinking and so it is confusing and strange. Is it like the 1930s and there are many parallels now, the financial collapse caused by deregulation, the rapid advance of fascism (ie Marxism) even in England which was untouched by Nazism. It is like the 1930s inasmuch as Hitler’s children are preparing us for the inevitable war which is to come against the 3Ms who are working together in this unholy alliance, ie Marxism, Mohammedanism and Money. They are all evil and I am trying to see a line of three sixes in the three of them, the mark of the beast.
8/05/2012 5:42 PMIf there’s one good thing to come out of the multicultural nightmare is that Europeans can no longer look down their noses at Americans and our segregation problem. Europeans used to be oh so superior to the US when it come to our horrible horrible segregated cities. Now that they have the same problems, and for the same reasons, I don’t see them wagging fingers any more.
8/05/2012 5:44 PMI just looked at some images of Rosengard in Malmo, Sweden using Google Street View and the one thing that struck me is how similar the place looks to the deprived areas on the outskirts of Glasgow in Scotland. The bleak concrete tower block housing, desolate roads with bridges and flyovers, and the overcast weather are just too similar not to notice.
8/05/2012 6:52 PM"The police force is scared to death of Rosengård. They know very well that the youths there more or less have declared open war against Swedish society."
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Any area with young men living in an area that gives them no opportunities, no hope, a lack of education and employment and probably drugs, guns, violence and all the rest of it - well, such an area is a recipe for social disaster, a blackspot that people will wish to avoid.
The fact that many of these young men will be of non-European background may actually increase their alienation, leading them to resent the mainstream society as a whole even more. Resentment breeds resentment.
Tell me, in your Scandinavian societies, are there any poor areas of your cities where native white Scandinavian people live in deprivation and are a bunch of alcoholics and drug addicts with no viable future? There are certainly such areas in the UK, at the very least, where some poor native white British people are basically "no-hopers" and this has nothing directly to do with immigrants or immigration.
I’m sounding like a socialist here - that was NOT my intention. But the point remains significant.
There’s also no way of changing the mindset of a devoted leftist. For them, only white heterosexual men can be blamed - for everyone else, there’s an excuse. In other words, they are hopelessly deluded about reality.
Really? Which "Europeans" would that be then?
8/05/2012 7:01 PMIn Malmö there are inhabitants who refuse to speak Swedish, or any other European language
8/05/2012 7:51 PMUntil very recently, in particular, up till the Stoltenberg elections last September 2011 in Norway, the Norwegian media refused to see any problems in Malmö, accusing the right of anything and everything when pointing out the facts about Malmö
England like the U.S. has de-industrialized and off-shored much of its industrial and technological sectors in the most holy name of Globalism and Capitalism.
8/05/2012 7:56 PMThose poor white young would have been in earlier times employed in steel mills, machine shops and other assorted factories across the country. Also they wouldn’t have had to compete against a bunch of unqualified 3rd worlders for jobs.
But thanks to liberals and free trading conservatives, they have destroyed both nations economic health and future all in the name of short term profits.
Of course one day the whole facade will collapse since no 1st world state can survive for very long as a hollowed out economic joke. In the 20 years the U.S. has de-industrialized we’ve went from a powerhouse to 2nd class nation with nukes and aircraft carriers. Take away our military toys and we’re a joke of a country.
The lesson
8/05/2012 7:58 PMDon’t ever let government dictate construction for dwellings
government will always choose construction that promotes billable hours for ’the system’
One other thing, what’s happening in Malmo is the fruit of Leftism - it’s evil.
8/05/2012 8:04 PMI know evil isn’t used much, but it’s such appropriate word for the Leftist promoters of death and decay. Look the promoters are products of the finest schools in the country. They have the best of every thing and what do they do? They actively conspire to destroy the state and it’s people that gave their opportunities.
Put another way, when Hitler and the Nazis did this, it was called evil. Yet when Leftists do it, there is only hand wringing and wailing. Wake up people, your Swedish politicians are modern day Nazis just with a different political orientation but the same agenda - your demise.
Ufortunately for Malmø and Sweden, I believe Niccolo Machiavelli was right when he stated that;
8/05/2012 8:11 PM"Problems are recognized only when they can no longer be resolved"
Ufortunately for Malmø and Sweden, I believe Niccolo Machiavelli was right when he stated that;
8/05/2012 8:12 PM"Problems are recognized only when they can no longer be resolved"
I agree with the person who said that Europeans used to look down their noses at the very same problems cities in the north, midwest, and west faced starting in the 1920’s in the USA when large numbers of poor uneducated blacks moved north to find jobs but were unable to find them because of lack of education, inability to assimilate, and discrimination. My city, Pittsburgh, PA had beautiful middle class and even poor neighborhoods that were the home to European immigrants in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Those beautiful neighborhoods vanished after the 1930’s and are now cess pools of crime and violence. The homes that were once the pride of the immigrants are now ruins or empty. Their ethnic churches locked up or wrecked by vandals. Live with it Sweden and the rest of Europe. You brought it upon yourselves. Stop your whining. I have no sympathy for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the rest of the know it alls in Europe who used to sneer at Americans as a bunch of racists and bigots for our race problems and riots.
8/05/2012 10:01 PM‘Malmö is different because the criminals happen to be in the same, small geographical area. It is difficult for them to avoid each other which increases the risk of violence, and many shootings are based in personal conflicts’.
8/06/2012 3:59 AMLove it!
Almost as good as the professor (or politician or journalist or whatever) recently opining that Malmö’s high crime rate was caused by its proximity to Denmark.
Pass this to the author:
8/06/2012 5:12 AMIf he wants his politicians to become aware of the situation, abduct (lol illegal if caught) and place them in Rosengård or Malmø, without money or cellphone, so they have to escape walking. Send the belongins to their home.
Since it is all "nice" there, they will be fine. They are in the same team!
Also, dox them plus map their homes and properties (because they are so "fine" at the marble tower inside their bubble. Distance and unaccountability makes them blind).
It may be a sideshow, but maybe a delicate one: According to what we occasionally hear through alternative channels, PM Fredrik Reinfeldt’s son seems to be, how shall I put it, kind of an antagonist to his father, regarding developments in Sweden’s society pushed by him. Monitoring their (inter-) actions might yield some surprising results. .)
8/06/2012 5:25 AMMichael Laudahn
Anonymous, 8/05/2012 7:56 PM:
8/06/2012 7:39 AMI have to agree with you. It amazes me how the Western world can get by without, really, well... doing that much of anything. There isn’t that much industry left except oil and gas, there isn’t much manufacturing at all except food production...
The Western world of the future will be one in which there is no industry, the only commercial premises are supermarkets and chain stores, and everybody works in offices, completely dependent on other people and other countries for the essentials of life. The public sector will in such a society constitute a very large share of the employment, and the public sector is absolutely dripping with political correctness and ’equality’ slogans.
This economic interdependence is anti-national in its nature, and is thus a weakness. Right-liberals (free market capitalists) care little more for nations than left-liberals (socialists, Marxists etc) do.
"Tell me, in your Scandinavian societies, are there any poor areas of your cities where native white Scandinavian people live in deprivation and are a bunch of alcoholics and drug addicts with no viable future? There are certainly such areas in the UK, at the very least, where some poor native white British people are basically "no-hopers" and this has nothing directly to do with immigrants or immigration.
8/06/2012 10:09 AMThere are certainly deprived, white Scandianvians too. There have always been. But have they ever rioted, raped and hurt innocents, and killed each other in gang fights? No. Not to the same extent near as immigrants. All countries have deprived, poor and sick people - But they does not necessarily have hostile people.
White Swedes have not been as deprived as White Britons. One reason is that we have had a very good social security system, taking care of those who have been ´no hopers´ - But that system is slowly, but safely, being destroyed now, as it cannot handle the mass immigration (just like in your country.).
One of the new Swedes
8/06/2012 1:43 PMLate Iraqi AQ leader’s
16 year old son is in Swedish youth ward
His mother, Um Shaheeda Camilla Olofsson, has made Alexandria, Egypt, her new hometown, she informs on her facebook page, according to Avpixlat
Little Chicago
8/06/2012 1:55 PM"Due to occurrences such as frequent gun killings, Malmö was recently given the title ‘Chicago of the North’ by the Norwegian media."
So, in other words, an insult to Americans and Bush, and the US pre-Obama, in an attempt to get the attention as much away form the real problems and their reasons, as possible.
If in doubt, blame Bush
Sweden is a mess of its own making. Having grown up in Apartheid South Africa, we were continuously lectured by the Swedes on how to be a better people. In fact, Sweden back then were already taking in black Africans and I recall thinking ’are you stupid’. See, I’ve lived with black Africans all my life and it truly has nothing to do with skin color but with culture and low IQ. No matter how you try to bring them up, they prefer to stay down. Good luck Sweden. I know there are some people who are awake and can see what’s happening, but overall, your country has brought this on themselves. Pretty soon we won’t see beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed people holding up your flag.....
8/07/2012 1:19 AMThank you, Baron, for posting this, and thanks to PMP for writing it. This is important insight. I linked this on Facebook; people need to read this.
8/07/2012 10:11 AMFor muslims in Sweden it’s normal to call women "whores".
8/07/2012 5:23 PMThey are so used to this attitude from home, so they don’t change when in Sweden
"The muslims consider this normal male behavior."
"... still continue to think and act as if they live in an Islamic country"
- How long till it will be "normal" to see "virginity tests" on European streets and squares, like we have seen from Egypt?
Lime Lite
8/07/2012 5:27 PMYou would hardly see any Swede with a Swedish flag at all in the first place, because it is considered "racist", "nationalist" ...whatever.
Suburbs Summer
8/08/2012 10:48 AMGangs tired of having police around at Bishop’s Garden
In the program "Barnen", the children, Swedish Radio P1 is looking into what the children are up to this summer
- They are like little spies in movies. Why are they just here at the Biskopsgården? What’s with us? The media has a disproportionate picture of what happened here. I feel safe here at the Biskopsgården, says Carlos, hinting at the media reports about car fires.
Last Thursday’s program was about forced marriage, which scares many immigrant girls (Iranian, Iraqi, Kurd, Arab) fearing the parents will take them abroad to get them married.
This comment at Avpixlat gives you a good idea of the picture
8/08/2012 11:30 AMI don’t know how many times I have been asked whether I’m a civilian cop. All Swedes are being suspected of being police under cover.
- Actually, spies, in islamic understanding. Same, but very different. Cultural shade... -
After the Rinkeby 2010 riots, the only ones worried about what had happened were Swedes, and they were the only ones helping cleaning up pieces of glass and inspecting the fire damages. Under cascades of swearwords from immigrants of all ages.
Not teenagers, but men and women of the tender ages between 25 and 35 were the ones mocking the police, journalists and other workers after what had happened the night before.
- Their upbringing doesn’t encourage them to grow up, and become adults, obviously -
No one with immigrant background would distance themselves from what had started out as a reaction to a group of immigrant men having been denied access to harassing teenage girls at a prom. Instead there were accusations of Swedish racism. Accusations against the police, against the Swedish Democrats and just about everybody other than
- those who had burnt down a school
- vandalised the police station
- plundered the Nordea bank
- set fire to cars, and destroyed buses.
As a result of it all, Nordea, as the last bank, withdrew from the area for good, for security reasons.
I read this post with a heavy heart. I have yet to find out WHY in the 1960’s the Swedish government decided that multiculturalism was the way to go and allowed mass immigration from countries which do not have the same moral values. If anyone has this answer, please post it. Just tell me WHY?!!!
8/11/2012 9:13 PMAn approach that I’ve found productive to answering questions like yours is to turn them around and ask their complement. Don’t look at what somebody is doing, …but look at what it is they are not doing.
8/11/2012 10:40 PMPeople will often choose a course of action, not because of what it leads to, but because, by doing it, it allows them to avoid some other choice. So what would be the logical complement to multiculturalism; that is, the view that all cultures are the same and of equal moral value? The answer is that some cultures must be better than others.
But once one accepts the premise that some cultures are better than others, then one cannot continue to live their life any old way they want to.
The logical complement to PCMC it that there are standards one needs to live up to. But considering the social maturity of many adult Scandinavians seems to be late adolescent, this becomes a choice that they can’t make. So, they take the intellectually easy way out and instead choose to enshrine multiculturalism as a moral good.
@ anon 9:13 PM:
8/11/2012 10:43 PMDo you REALLY REALLY want to know? Then buy and read this book:
Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis
There are about 50 reviews. Here is part of one:
The book...shows how European officials, at first mainly German, French and Belgians, but now it has spread to the whole continent, have followed a policy called "dialog" but should be read "submission" in their relations with the Arab world.
They have agreed to absorb immigration from Muslim countries and guarantee social security and cultural rights to the immigrants, while immigration from Eastern European EU members was blocked. They have agreed to make sure that schools and universities tell the history of the Christian-Muslim relations in Europe with a totally pro Muslim viewpoint.
But it could have been different[ ]. As much as the Europeans needed the Arab oil, the need that started the dialog, the Arabs needed European technology and money. Officials who are not so spineless could probably have saved Europe from its Dhimmy fate.
IOW, if you don’t really want to bother finding out - and many people cannot deal with the pain of discovering how thoroughly their leaders betrayed them - just read the reviews, both the sneers and the admiration.
But the book is better. Better buy a handkerchief first.
Let us never forget that Sweden was in the front line financing the ANC to violently destroy white government in South Africa. This they succeeded in doing. Today there is virtually an entire nation which now experiences the decadence of Malmo.
9/04/2012 9:00 AMIn addition 40,000 white people have lost their lives violently since "freedom" came to South Africa 18 years ago in 1994. Prior to that 7,000 people of all races had lost their lives in 42 years of formal apartheid.
Sweden now stands on the threshold of having to make similar hard choices in how they govern their country given that they have proved to themselves that multiculturism does not work. South Africa learned this reality in 1838.
Sweden does not deserve any sympathy. They can start by getting their own house in order by voting out the lunatics in their government who brought this self inflicted disaster upon themselves.
I cannot help but notice you yourself are guilty of the same cowardice of which you accuse your leaders.
9/04/2012 8:38 PMThe problem is not multiculturalism, the problem is race(which, admittedly, is linked to culture). You have no problems decrying demographic changes and the plight of native swedes being racially replaced in their own country, but seem too afraid to step out there and say ’yes, these non-whites are causing problems.’
Or do European immigrants from Denmark, Germany, and France also throw stones at postal workers and blow up police offices?
No? I didn’t think so.
Stop making excuses for them by blaming their ’culture,’ or you’re no better than your politicians.
An 29:
9/10/2012 3:07 PMInteresting. I have never denied that the most problematic immigrants have been non-whites (Take a look at the first picture).
I would actually say you are wrong, or have misunderstood me. I am not focusing on culture when criticising ´multi-culturaism´. Multi-culturalism does not mean that you only address cultural differences. Multi-Culturalism is the name of the political SYSTEM, which has brought many non-whites to Europe.
However, you cannot deny that many non-whites have certain cultures which are completely estranged from European culture, and which does not do much to contribute. This is especially the case when it comes to individuals with a Muslim background.
So, criticising multi-culturalism does not mean discussing ´cultures´, it is about discussing a political system, which seeks to bring together different ethnic and cultural groups under one roof.
I know I should care but I have difficulty making myself care about people who kept selling the multi., policy. Now they pay the price for their arrogance and smuggness at the many warnings they got about the danger of islam. Sadly, I believe that only an armed conflict between the non liberals and the lib-muslims will resolve this unfolding tragedy. Society will be left with permanent scars. We may end up with europe looking like lebanon.
9/28/2012 12:20 PM