Hamas is killing its own----

“EVERYBODY here hates Hamas … But they’re too afraid to say so publicly. Our food comes from Israel but what we give them in return is rockets.”
“A taxi driver from Gaza sums up the feelings of many whose lives are in danger, following increased rocket fire between Israel and Hamas, whose military wing is a listed terrorist organisation in Australia. Hamas terrorists have even gone on TV to urge Palestinians to stand on roofs and expose their “bare chests” to incoming rocket fire.”
Y es que la gente está comprobando que el sufrimiento, dolor y muerte de Hamas no es precisamente la mejor opcion
Aunque evidentemente mucho no se pueden quejar aquellos que han apoyado a una organizacion terrorista y genocida como Hamas que proclama el asesinato de judios y la destruccion violenta de un pais vecino como es Israel
Pese a ello, el sentimiento hacia Hamas esta cambiando
“Hamas’ decision to continue its self-destructive offensive has been unpopular among Gazans, many already opposed to Hamas’ extremism. In a poll taken in Gaza last month by a leading Palestinian pollster, 70 per cent of those surveyed agreed that “Hamas should maintain a ceasefire with Israel,” while 73 per cent of respondents agreed that non-violent action should be adopted.”
Entre otras cosas por el criminal uso como escudos humanos de su propia poblacion, no asi de los hijos de Haniyah, ni de Meshaal, que estan bien protegidos y a resguardo.
Obviamente son los hijos de otros los que deben sucumbir
“Civilians in Gaza have every reason to resent Hamas for placing military assets, including rockets, missiles and bombs in homes, a UNRWA school and adjacent to Gaza’s al-Aqsa hospital — the latter reportedly causing fatalities in the hospital after it was accidentally hit on July 21. Hamas has reportedly made Shifa hospital its de facto headquarters and has even issued a directive to Gazans to say that “anyone killed or martyred is to be called an innocent civilian” even if they were killed in combat.”
Asi pues, solo resta esperar que los mismos arabes (que recientemente se consideran “palestinos”) reaccionen y empiezen a asumir sus culpas y responsabilidades, al fin y al cabo, ellos apoyaron masivamente a Hamas y eligieron el camino de la muerte y destruccion en vez del de la paz
Que lo asuman
Fuente: Theaustralian
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