

Covert operations of the CIA in Lybia?.

The White House denied the president has signed an order authorizing the development of covert operations of the CIA. This initiative comes amid an intense debate between the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon on whether or not to arm the rebel forces, given the suspicions about them being linked to Al Qaeda Network, openly raised by senior administration officials.
The order issued now is similar to that Obama signed in 2009 to give the green light to covert operations against al-Qaida in Yemen. Since then, either this time the White House has confirmed a move that, if anything, gives legal cover but does not involve interventions that are to be carried out. According to ABC News. For its part, the newspaper ’The New York Times published yesterday that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and has spies in Libya
Fear of Al-Qaida
The White House declined through spokesman Jay Carney discuss "matters of intelligence," limited to ensuring that "there has been no decision about providing arms to the opposition ’in Libya. "Not ruling it out, but neither have approved," he said. The key to this uncertainty lies in the growing concern among a section of the Administration that a step of this caliber would deepen U.S. involvement in a civil war that neither you nor he is going with the difficulty that many of these fighters to which it is intended to help may have ties to al-Qaida.
Although comparisons were not disclosed, the situation is so poisoned as when Washington opted to support other rebel movements in Angola, Afghanistan and Nicaragua, with disastrous consequences for peace and U.S. interests. The race to avoid a false move would only complicate the Allied strategy in the Arab country spends on intelligence agencies to identify the "ragged bands," as the military command called-to harass the troops and find Muammar Gaddafi some certainty that their ranks are fed by potential terrorists. With all the eastern region still become a sort of ’terra incognita’ in the eyes of the U.S., "the presence of Al-Qaida there is the greatest concern we have," admitted to ’The New York Times’ a representative of government.
Just the day the artillery of the army in Tripoli successfully countered the insurgency advancing toward the city of Sirte, fears about supporting rebels huddled in Congress when the NATO military commander, Admiral James Stavridis, testified at a hearing that began to drive intelligence tests on the presence of al-Qaida and Hezbollah among the anti-Gaddafi. "Unfortunately, we have no clear idea about the opposition," said the senior official.
Indoors, the Pentagon remains as the most reluctant to expand the scope of U.S. involvement. Especially once the U.S. has ceded the leadership of operations to the NATO structure.

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